Saturday 11th July

This sunny, cloudy, windy day⛅️💨, the two2️⃣ day blog idea is going all over the place. I try to keep it in order but it keeps getting ruined. Like forgetting❓ or having something else on that night🌙. So from now on I am going to try and keep things in place. If I have an important night out, the blog the day before I will let you know or if I forgot I will have more in the blog next time. Like yesterday I forgot so I will put as much as I can in today’s blog.

Yesterday at school🏫, we made board games. I made mine a Pokémon theme.

My Pokémon game

I made it so in each zone you got a different type Pokémon. So in the graveyard you would get a ghost👻 type Pokémon or in the grassy field you would get a big or a grass type Pokémon. There is the official Pokémon app to go with it. When you pass the Buy Pokeballs Here stop you can get Pokeballs at any time. The same with buy Pokémon Here stop. You start with 44️⃣ Pokeballs each and half of the money💷. Pokémon can have special abilities that freeze or send someone to a different place on the board.

We got my school🏫 books📚 as well.

My maths books📚

We have lots of different subjects but these are maths.⬆️

Colour of the day: Rose Gold

Animal of the day: Chicken

Fact of the day:

4 thoughts on “Saturday 11th July

  1. Jakey I love your game. Well done!!
    As for your maths!! Wow so many ticks. And so neat! Fantastic.
    Pink colour – nah!! Although it has a nice name
    Chicken – yummy!!! 😋
    The Germans make excellent cars – Audi’s and Mercs.
    School tomorrow?? Hope you had a good weekend 😘


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