Monday 24th August

This sunny, cloudy, windy day,⛅️💨, I thought🧐 about doing a blog for the next couple of days leading up to School🏫. I haven’t done a blog in a long, long time so I should do one now. I have had a very busy summer at home🏠 and I have had lots of fun so I thought🧐 I would share it with you. It would be good if you would write in the comments what you have been doing over the summer.

The sunflowers🌻 are massive and are bigger than the fence! I can’t believe they have grown so big! They turn every day to look at the sun☀️.

I think the contest is nearly over but I have forgot which sunflower🌻 is mine so could you write in the comments which one you think🧐 is mine to help me.

I have started collecting Pokémon Cards since my holiday to Abersoch. (I will tell🗣 you about my holiday in the next paragraph). I have loads all ready.

And even 22️⃣ legendary Zamazenta cards. One normal and one shiny. Wow🤩! I couldn’t believe my eyes👀 when I got them.


My Mum👩 is getting me a binder to put them in. They will look amazing after.

My holiday in Abersoch was brilliant😃.

I played out on the field with my friends, ate lots of unhealthy food🍭🧁🍰, went for meals🍽 out, spent days on the beach🏖 and went to Abersoch town. It was so much fun😀😀😀!

We also bought lots of sweets🍭. Mmmm😋! Something Nannie👩‍🦳 won’t be happy about😠. Hahahahah🤣!

8 thoughts on “Monday 24th August

  1. Jakey so good to see you blogging again 👍 I’m so glad you enjoyed your holiday in Abersoch. But why wouldn’t you? Its a fantastic place and you’ve been going there for years. There is always something to do there and your friends are always there too. It’s perfect. I will ignore the fact that you have had sweets because you were on holiday.
    Sunflowers are awesome. I love sunflowers because they have such happy faces. Just like yours and Sophia on the photo
    Our summer hasn’t been anywhere near as exciting and full as yours but we have been for walks and played golf.
    OK. My challenge of a poem about chocolate still stands. Maybe grandma will want to write one🖊️ as she’s like nannie and writes poems📝 for special people or occasions and having chocolate 🍫is always a special occasion. It’s Stevens favourite occasion 😍and the more often the occasion the better. Xxx❤️❤️


  2. Hi Jacob
    Just retyping all this as it lost my comment😩 Fingers crossed🤞it will work this time. The sunflowers look amazing 🌻🌻 Not sure I can help with which is yours. Maybe the tallest one????😉 Glad you had a great time at the caravan👍👍. You were lucky with the weather☀️ the second week. We were there last week & in July when we were first allowed to go to Wales. Hoping to go again after Grandad gets back from his Sailing holiday⛵⚓ We are so lucky to have somewhere to go & so pleased that all the family enjoy it too. Enjoy the rest of the Summer. Love Grandma xxx P.S. I will think about Nannie’s challenge to write a poem. I love chocolate too🥰👍 !!!


  3. Hi
    Yours must surely be the taller Sunflower but they are both impressive. As you say Abersoch is a great place for a Holiday. We were there last week with your Auntie Helen, Uncle Lee and Cousin Josh. Went sailing in Kittiwake with Helen and Josh. It was quite windy and Josh got a bit concerned when we tipped over and water came over the side. However we didn’t capsize and he said afterwards it had been exciting. However your sailing at Delph yesterday was most impressive in those windy and blustery conditions. Very impressed.


  4. Good to see another blog from you Jacob. Glad you had a good time on your holiday, I haven’t been on holiday, oh poor me! but I have had some walks in the park when it has not been too hot.. I don’t know which is your sunflower, so I think I will be your best friend and say your is the biggest, but dont tell dad I said that will you? I think you both deserve a prize though as both of them are really big. Hope you start school OK it will be a change for you wont .
    I am not good at poems but will this do
    Chocolate is brown and oh so good
    I even eat it when I’m reading a book.
    I wonder if Nanny or Grandma can beat that!!


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